Chef Jozef
Chef Jozef’s has years of experience working in London’s most highly acclaimed Michelin star restaurants, including The Connaught and The Dorchester. Fascinated by science from an early age, he started working with scientists on various projects involving diet and its impact of both physical and mental health. It led to some significant findings.
He has published several peer-reviewed papers as well as his first book; Molecular Gastronomy at Home, he is currently an associate editor at the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science.

Chef Jozef Youssef or The Food Mentor as he is often referred to, worked closely with scientists at both Oxford University and Imperial College London to further his knowledge in the molecular structure of food and what elements do what to the body in terms of improving physical and mental health. He is the chef-patron and co-founder of the Kitchen Theory experimental dining experiences as well as the author of Molecular Gastronomy at Home, a simple introduction to the science behind modernist culinary techniques. He has lectured to audiences both in the UK and around the world.
His work, and those of his scientist colleagues, has proven that what we eat and don’t eat, plays a significant part in how our body functions, how it effects our moods and how we fight disease. Significantly notable is its part in reducing the recovery time of long covid.
Bravo, seriously well done.
“I recently watched a documentary on French TV about the importance of a healthy gut and how we are all different.
Your gut ‘fingerprint’ apparently is almost complete by the time you are two, so babies and children’s diet is vital. I have always thought crash, fad or modern diets do more damage than good and your book confirms my feelings.
The book sets out the theory in easy to read fashion and in plain English, it’s not a sermon but definition feels trustworthy.
This could be a perfect reference book in the future for people wanting to know how to lead a healthier happy life.
Once again, well done,
Best Regards, Michel”
Michel Roux Jnr.
Poor diet leads to 1 in 5 deaths – we can change this
Jozef says “We have spent a lot of time and money improving our attitudes and habits towards protecting the environment to create a more sustainable future. However it is now time we started putting that same effort to protect the equally important environment within us for the sake of our mental and physical health.
“What is more troubling about the now commonly referred to ‘global obesity problem’ is that it is responsible for the growth of a range of diseases including various forms of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, allergies Alzheimer’s and depression. Overall it is estimated that 1 in 5 deaths globally are due to poor diet and nutrition.

Boost your immunity – cancer beating molecules
“The term ‘our gut is our second brain’ has long been accepted by scientists who recognise that molecules that make up our foods have an impact on ourselves that can be on a par with prescriptive medicines, but whilst food is not a substitute for medicine, nor is it an effective quick-fix option to tackle the effects of being ill, it is on the other hand the most effective long-term solution to tackle the actual causes of a wide variety of physical and mental illnesses.
A healthy, varied and nutritionally rich diet is the most powerful preventative measure you can take to lowering your risks of illnesses including cardiovascular disease, various forms of cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s, while improving your long term well-being and mental health” .
Not just life improving meals, but delicious meals
Known in the industry as ‘‘The Food Mentor’’ Jozef is about to start work on a project with a team of NHS surgeons who specialise in bariatric surgery (surgery for weight loss).
He will create gastronomically appealing diets to help patients keep the weight off post-surgery, as well as using carefully selected ingredients to help improve the mental well-being of patients; a complexity often associated with obesity.
“Improving Global Well-being through Innovations in Gastronomy”
‘’An audacious goal, to say the least’’, says Jozef, “but one I am committed to. All across the world countries are experiencing unsustainable healthcare and economic burdens as a result of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders (this list now includes COVID-19) – much of which has been linked to poor diet and lifestyle choices.
Research has shown that what, how and when we eat, can play an essential role in the prevention of these illnesses and can significantly influence outcomes in patients during and after therapy. Therefore, my mission, supported by the eminent scientists I work with, is to be a part of the solution – to improve public health through nutrition”.
FIND Chef Jozef @
Find Chef Jozef on Instagram and Kitchen Theory website for BBC interviews and various radio shows